Women's Rights 6 pm to 6 am (important for your knowledge)
Dear all,
Please read and share with your loved one ....
Women's Rights 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.
I was talking with a lawyer friend of mine.
We were discussing the law and women's rights.
She told me about this incident
- a young girl was raped by a man posing as a plain clothes officer; he asked her to come to the police station when she and her male friend didn't have a driver's license to show. He sent the boy off to get his license and asked the girl to accompany him to the police station.
Took her instead to an isolated area where the horrendous crime was committed.
In fact, the law clearly states that between 6 pm and 6 am, a woman has the right to REFUSE to go to the Police Station, even if an arrest warrant has been issued against her...
It is a procedural issue that a woman can be arrested between 6 pm and 6 am, ONLY if she is arrested by a woman officer and taken to an ALL WOMEN police station.
And if she is arrested by a male officer, it has to be proven that a woman officer was on duty at the time of arrest.
It is good for us to know our rights. To what extent it comes of use remains to be seen in any situation. But as they say, knowledge is power. Just thought I'd share this with you. I did not know this and am sure lot of us will not know this- please be informed..... And pass on this info to whom all you know.......
Best Regards,
Jonathan Lee
8 years ago
Tensai: 你说得对!现在的匪徒真的太恐怖!安全为上,多注意安全。
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Damn busy, i canot finish it. Ts you done it? Eat our weekend, damn sf. Tomorrow sf ban it again, then we have to redo again also. Hormon not balance, eat everyone weekend. Then he shaking leg there.
A question, how to arrange your time with her and your family?
tensai said...
现在的治安真的很差 -> MALAYSIA BOLEH.
Eric said...
现在的匪徒真的太恐怖 -> MALAYSIA BOLEH.
Max said...
现在的治安真的很差 -> MALAYSIA BOLEH.
Another email that i received recently, just to share here,
This is a true story...
Hi all,
This incident happened to me and be very careful if you ever encounter such case in future.
On Thur 5 Feb 2009 , I was driving home after work in the afternoon, quite a number of cars on the road. I was driving near the UE3, Taman Miharja, Cheras when 2 men on a motorbike honked at me and pointed to the passenger-side wheel. I slowed down, not stopping but they kept honking and pointing to the wheel.
Finally, I stopped at the side of the road in front of the UE3 complex. The 2 guys stopped and came down from their bike. One had the "BMW" name and logo on his blue shirt. While the other guy squatted in front of the passenger-side wheel (I could not see him), the "BMW" guy came to the passenger side. My car is always locked when I drive and I lowered the passenger side window about 2 inch to talk with him.
Speaking in Malay, he told me my wheel has smoke and oil. I hesitated evaluating the situation, and he then bend down at the wheel and came up showing me his finger with some oil on it. He said my brake oil is leaking and cannot drive and ask me to go down out to see the wheel. Pointing to Taman Pertama which is just nearby, I told him I stay there and will go to my mechanic there for check-up. He kept insisting I don't drive as my brakes are not working and can get an accident. He kept asking me to go down and look at the wheel. I said no and I drove off.
Giving this "Good Samaritan" the benefit of the doubt, I drove home very slowly in case I really cannot brake the car. 10 min later I arrived at my mechanic shop which is quite near to my house. I ask the mechanic if there is any oil in the wheel, he touched it and said yes and possible brake oil is leaking. He took it into the workshop and took out the wheel. Lo and behold, there was no leak, all dry.. There was some oil at the brake pd and at the back of the tyre. He took out the driver-side tyre and it was dry too. He told me the only possible answer was that someone must have poured oil into my wheel. He washed the tyres and cleaned up the oil and then I went off.
I didnt tell the mechanic what had happened earlier but putting 2 and 2 together, I think I know what happened. The 2 guys stopped me. While one was talking with me, the other guy squatting at the wheel must have poured some oil into my wheel, making me think my car's brake oil was leaking and in panic, I might go down and check (that's why he kept asking me to go down and see).
If I had got out of the car to see, the following things may have happened:-
1. one guy will drive off with my car (hoping in panic I'll leave the car keys in the car) while the other will ride off in his motorbike.
2. they will threaten and rob me (with or without injury)
3.. they will say they can repair my car very fast with no hassle and charge me a bomb.
Looking at the crime situation in KL these days, I think either one of the first 2 possibilities will happen. Thank God, I was alert and didnt panic.
So for you drivers in KL, please be careful and be alert at all times while driving. Dont be so gullible and take all "Good Samaritan" word as true. If it happens drive to the nearest police station or mechanic workshop. The worst thing that can happen is to buy 2 brand new tyres (if tyres are kaput) or pay to repair for the damage done to the car. Cheaper than your life or your car.
So drive carefully. Cheers.
Another 1, =).
Beware of newspapers lying on the road If you are driving in Malaysia ,do take note of the advice below. Please pass this onto yr friends. Avoid driving over newspapers strewn on the road It would appear that this technique has reached Malaysia from Indonesia .
Life here is getting more like in Indonesia these days. This story which was circulated to me reminds me of the traps set in certain parts of Jakarta by robbers.. Some people have lost their lives over this. They drive into certain lonely roads in Jakarta to find pieces of wood with nails in them on the road. This causes their tyres to go flat. If they get out of their cars, they are set upon by robbers who will take everything: their cars, wallets, anything valuable and sometimes their lives.
Avoid driving over newspapers strewn on the Road a new trap set by Robbers. This incident happened some where in KL and forwarded to me by a friend..
This person was driving alone at night when he saw newspapers lying around in the middle of the road. Without giving it much thought, he drove pass the stack of papers. No one would expect to find heaps of rocks and stones beneath the papers!! Wanting to know the damage to his car, he stopped to check.
Need I say more? The moment he got out of his car, he was robbed by a group of guys and lost his properties/belongings. Just imagine what would have happen if this had happen to a girl/woman....
So folks, please be careful, do not stop when you're driving alone at night no matter what ! Avoid driving over the papers if you see newspapers lying on the road, this could be a new trick for the desperate fraternity out there...........!!
Best Regards,
Jonathan Lee
國內 2009-04-19 10:36
國內 2009-04-18 18:30
Everyone know the fact, but who know the action?
MALAYSIA BOLEH?????????????????
What to do? We only can save ourselve. Thus take good care of ourselve and our family. Overtime work, economic crisis, everyone suffering........
Please do something for us!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ts, let's go now. Wait u at L2.
A link to share: (I found out these part very meaningful)
What makes us happy
All parents want and do their best to make their children healthy and happy. It is about the only thing that seems to matter as far as our babies are concerned. But happiness is fleeting and it comes and goes. The harder we want it the more it alludes us. It is very easily overshadow by sadness, worry, fear, pain, hopelessness, and disappointments. Happiness is a momentary thing and we can never be happy all the time. Certain things always makes all of us happy:
being loved and appreciated (relationships- family, friends, colleagues)
getting what we want
self pride at reaching high goals or expectations
discovering or getting new things that amaze us
making others happy
looking forward to things or events
We all want to be loved and appreciated. It allows us to love our self. A smile is a display of happiness and is contagious. A smile makes us attractive and it attracts people to us. Humor makes us smile and laugh. Laughter gives us a feeling of well being and satisfaction. We find humor when hidden truths are suddenly unexpectedly uncovered. Happiness is not so much having what we like, but rather appreciating and using what we have. Happiness is not so much doing things we like, but rather doing things we know and doing them well. Being thankful is acknowledging our good fortune that momentarily made us happy. Thankfulness extends and prolongs our happiness and makes the recipient of our thanks happy as well.
What can make us happy are good relationships, things we receive, events we experience, feelings we have and things and events we look forward to. As a guideline some of them are listed below in the table and later expanded on. Many things/events/feelings that might make us happy in the short term make us sad in the long term. In the same way, many things/events/feelings that might make us sad initially end up making us happy in the long term. You can rate the level of happiness of things/events/feelings by rating their usefulness.
The true level of happiness is determined by the situation we are in at that moment and our attitude to it. When we are in need, it is difficult to be happy but it takes very little to make us happy. When thirsty and hungry, a little water and simple meal makes us happy. When unemployed, going to a new job even in a traffic jam makes us happy. When we are homeless, any shelter makes us happy. When we are lonely, meeting a stranger gives us joy. When we are in pain, soothing of pain makes us happy. When we have more than what we need we still want more and it is easy to be unhappy and to fear losing what we have. It becomes more difficult to be pleased. In this sense, the town fool with nothing to lose might well be a happier person, in the true sense of happiness, than the town mayor.
How we measure our success determines if it makes us happy or not.
For some
At age 4 success is . . .not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . having friends.
At age 16 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 20 success is . . . going all the way.
At age 35 success is . . . having money.
At age 50 success is . . . having money.
At age 60 success is . . . going all the way.
At age 70 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . . . having friends.
At age 80 success is . . . not peeing in your pants.
For others
At age 4 success is . . . .not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . having friends.
At age 16 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 20 success is . . . going all the way.
At age 35 success is . . ..having money.
At age 50 success is . . . having money.
At age 60 success is . . . having more money.
At age 70 success is . . . not needing money, having a driver,
At age 75 success is . . . not peeing in your pants, not needing money, having a driver, having a nurse,
At age 80 success is . . . having a diaper, not needing money, having a driver, having a nurse, going all the way to the toilet.
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